"L'esprit envahi de souvenirs et préoccupé par l'avenir perd la fraicheur de l'instant présent.Nous sommes alors incapables de reconnaitre la simplicité lumineuse de l'esprit qui est toujours présente derrière le rideau des pensées."

Matthieu Ricard

"Le bonheur c'est de continuer à désirer ce que l'on possède déjà"
Saint Augustin

"L'important c'est d'être à soi-même sa propre lumière, son propre maître et son propre disciple."
Krishnamurti (1895-1986)

Amor vincit omnia

mercredi 5 décembre 2012

Cool things to find..

Why did we make this video? Well, first off, we here at Cinesaurus really love Dumb Ways to Die. Second, we are huge fans of NASA and everything they are doing here on Earth, in Space and on Mars. We like to do anything we can to help support NASA and think you should too! Write to your Senator, call them, make sure they don't cut any more of their budget. Who is Cinesaurus? We are a Seattle-based creative team who loves to tell stories and make an impact on the world. We believe in supporting education, science and exploration. Our other videos include "We're NASA and We Know it" and "iPhone 5 A taller change than expected", as well as the rest of the videos on this channel.

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